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Having grasped the essential principles of mobile app development in the previous session, we now embark on an exhilarating practical session. Here, participants will put their newly acquired skills to the test by engaging in real-world projects.

Objectives of the Session

  • Gain hands-on experience in developing mobile applications for practical use.
  • Collaborate effectively in groups to brainstorm, plan, and execute app development projects.
  • Address real-world challenges faced by communities through innovative mobile app solutions.
  • Enhance their coding skills and problem-solving abilities through project-based learning.
  • Cultivate creativity and innovation in designing user-friendly and impactful mobile apps.

Details of the Projects

In this practical session, participants will have the opportunity to work in groups on three distinct projects, each addressing a significant challenge faced by communities.

1.0 GBV Reporting Mobile App

Challenge: Develop a mobile application that enables users to report cases of Gender-Based Violence (GBV) easily and anonymously if need be.

Objective: Provide a safe and accessible platform for individuals to seek help and support in cases of GBV, contributing to the fight against gender-based violence in communities.

2.0 Financial Literacy App

Challenge: Create an app designed to promote financial literacy by helping users manage their budgets effectively.

Objective: Empower individuals and families to make informed financial decisions, leading to improved financial stability and independence.

3.0 Voting Mobile App

Challenge: Design a mobile application for use during elections to facilitate secure and efficient voting processes.

Objective: Enhance democratic participation and transparency in electoral processes, making voting more accessible and inclusive for all.

Each group will be assigned one of these challenges and tasked with conceptualizing, designing, and developing a mobile app solution to address it. Throughout the session, mentors will be available to provide guidance and support as participants embark on this exciting journey of app development.