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Welcome to the Web Application Design & Development session of the MGCC Bootcamp. In this session, participants will dive into the world of web application design, gaining valuable knowledge and skills to create their own website project. The activity will start by exploring product interface design using Figma, a powerful tool that will assist in crafting website templates and prototypes. Then, participants will transition into synthesizing these designs into functional websites using WordPress. By the end of this session, participants will be equipped to develop the MGCC Bootcamp website, where they'll document their bootcamp journey and showcase their achievements.

Objective of the Session

  • Understand the principles of product interface design and how to create website templates or prototypes using Figma.
  • Learn how to translate design concepts into functional websites using WordPress.
  • Collaborate effectively in groups to develop different components of the MGCC Bootcamp website, such as landing pages and activity galleries.
  • Gain hands-on experience in web application development and project management.
  • Prepare to integrate an AI engine into the website project in the following days of the bootcamp.

Flow of the Session

Introduction to Product Interface Design

  • Overview of Figma and its features.
  • Demonstration of designing website templates or prototypes using Figma.
  • Hands-on practice designing a sample webpage layout.

Transition to Website Development with WordPress

  • Introduction to WordPress and its functionality.
  • Overview of themes and plugins for website customization.
  • Step-by-step guidance on converting Figma designs into WordPress websites.

Group Work on MGCC Bootcamp Website Project

  • Formation of groups focusing on different components of the website (e.g., landing page, activity gallery).
  • Collaboration and brainstorming sessions within groups to plan website development.
  • Hands-on development of website components using WordPress.

Integration of AI Engine (Preview for Next Session):

  • Overview of AI technology and its applications in web development.
  • Introduction to the AI engine to be integrated into the MGCC Bootcamp website.
  • Discussion on potential features and functionalities to enhance the website project.

By the end of this session, participants will be well-prepared to embark on the exciting journey of designing and developing the MGCC Bootcamp website project, showcasing their skills and experiences gained throughout the bootcamp activities.